
We are a UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN 1090-1:2009 and UNI EN ISO 3834 Certified Company
The standards of the ISO 9000 family give indications on how a company must operate in order to be able to supply a quality product and service, that’s responding to what is required by the customer.
ISO 9001 certification is voluntary, and is a way to qualify, now recognized worldwide, the company.
With this certification, it is recognized that the company adopts a system of rules, responsibilities, controls and procedures compliant with the ISO 9000 rules.
The attention to customer needs and the desire to continuously improve the service offered,
it has allowed the company to obtain certification of its corporate quality management system in compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard, with the following specifications:
Certified according to ISO 9001:2015 standard: N° IT19/0038
Sector: EA:17
Purpose: Production of medium-heavy mechanical carpentry

Following the audit carried out on our factory process control systems and after careful examination by the Certifying Agency, we were awarded the UNI EN 1090-1:2012 certificate of conformity according to the EXC 3 execution class. UNI EN 1090 certification is a mandatory certification starting from July 2014 for all manufacturers of structural steel components, as well as for manufacturers of kits placed on the market as a construction product. This type of certification is internationally recognized. The harmonized standard UNI EN 1090-1 – Execution of steel structures – establishes the requirements and methods for application the CE marking on construction products as specified by the European Regulation (EU) n. 305/2011. The CAME company, as a supplier of welded steel components and structures for metal carpentry, operates in compliance with the specific requirements established for the sector of steel for metal carpentry and has therefore implemented, for its construction products, of declaration of conformity (1-3a) methods according to UNI EN 1090-1 in class EXC 3. The CAME company will therefore supply some specific products with the CE marking and with the current Declaration of Performance required by the “Welding Certificate” No. 1381-CPR-547.
UNI EN ISO 3834 is a guide that establishes the “Quality requirements” for the correct management of the welding manufacturing process and defines the quality criteria/requirements for welding metallic materials.
Objectives of the ISO 3834 standard are:
- To assure the company’s competence and application of adequate welding process control and to provide a method for demonstrating the ability to manufacture products of specified quality.
- To guarantee to customers the conformity of the products made to the prescribed quality requirements.
- To define quality requirements for welding in workshops and/or on construction sites.
- To provide a basis for assessing the welding ability and skill of a builder and staff employed.
- To ensure that the construction phase of the building is feasible and in accordance with the provisions of the project.
- To employ adequate techniques that constantly ensure the good quality of the product.